Friday, 16 April 2010

Adventure Eight: Geneva, Switzerland

This place and the moments I experienced here are some of the highlights of my trip across Europe.

When we first pulled into Geneva, we were all a little down. We had just left our "family" in Germany, and now we were headed to another couch surfer's home for the next three nights. It's funny how sitting on a train all day can make you so tired! But it does. So, we were all a little exhausted. First thing upon arriving in Geneva - we headed to an internet cafe to check up on email. Then it hit: Geneva was going to be extremely expensive. We had already been stressed with converting the pound to dollars than the euro to dollars; now we were converting the Czech money into dollars, and it was not looking too good. Our bank accounts weren't too happy either. After finally getting to skype with Sue Sue for the first time in two weeks, we headed to the little village of Gamil to unite with our couch surfer. After a fourteen dollar train ride, we made it to the village where we were graciously picked up by Hannah, our couch surfer. Immediately I knew God loved me and wanted me to have the best time, because Hannah was amazing. She is twenty-three years old and married to Rob-Jan; they live in a precious house out in the country side that overlooks the Swiss Alps. What a breath-taking picture of God's power and beauty to wake up to every morning.

When we walked into her house, it was a breath of fresh air! She had candles that smelled like cinnamon lit all over the house; she also had snacks set out and a buffet of different teas and Swiss chocolates for us to enjoy. She also had her iPod playing in the background ... it was perfect. She and her husband were out that night, so us three girls were able to relax the whole night, enjoying Hannah's hospitality She even bought all the ingredients for spaghetti which we made that night; enjoying a home cooked meal with friends .. priceless.

The next morning, Hannah graciously drove us into Geneva while she went to work, at Starbucks! Before she headed into work she took us by Starbucks and treated us all to free drinks of our choice - so sweet, especially since a hot chocolate was about six or seven dollars! Then she took the time to show us around Geneva which is a beautiful city. Once she headed to work, us girls headed to the United Nations building only to find that you could not enter except at tour times, which we had missed by about an hour. We TRIED to persuade the handsome guard to let us in, but it was no use. We did take pictures of the building with the other million tourists, and enjoyed it none the less! Then we spent about an hour in one of Geneva's beautiful parks taking pictures by the fountain. Yes, we were those girls.

After meeting back up with Hannah at Starbucks and receiving another round of free drinks, we headed back to Hannah's house. That night, Hannah and Rob-Jan treated us to a typical Swiss fondu. It was absolutely delicious! We had the BEST time; we laughed and laughed until our stomachs hurt ... literally. Earlier that day, I found out that Hannah played guitar. I jokingly mentioned that I could only play one song, Come Thou Fount. Hannah immediately jumped up and asked, "wait ... are yall believers?" We all answered that we were and Hannah's face brightened. She and Rob-Jan are too. We all got so excited! God had placed us in this home where we were all believers; it had been awhile since we had been surrounded by other believers, and it was so refreshing! That night we all gathered around a bowl of Swiss chocolates, and while Hannah played the guitar we all sang worship songs together. It is a moment I will NEVER forget. We also sang my favorite worship song, In Christ Alone; it brought such joy to my heart to be sitting in Geneva, Switzerland, with other believers we had just met, singing songs of praise to our Great God. I could not have asked God for a more perfect moment.

The next day we headed to the little town of Lausanne where we spent the day gazing at the Swiss Alps ... amazing. Then we headed back to the house where we cleaned and made dinner for Hannah and Rob-Jan, including Duncan Hines brownies which Hannah had brought back from the states (her parents are missionaries but live in the States now). It was yet another fun dinner filled with laughter. And brownies ... so great! Sadly, we had to call it an early night, because we were leaving for Rome very early the next morning. Unfortunately, Steph got extremely sick that night which made for a hard day of travel to Rome. After a long morning of getting lost and missing trains, we finally made it to the Geneva train station where we caught our train to Rome. It was so so sad to leave Hannah; I pray I will be able to meet up with her again someday. She and Rob-Jan were such a blessing; just in two short days, I learned so much from them. I am so thankful God brought them into my life at the time that He did. It was exactly what I needed to carry on with my travels.

Praise the Lord for watching over me, protecting me, and blessing me in so many ways. I do not deserve the things He gives me, but I am so thankful that He does. What a Mighty God I serve!

Off to Roma!

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